Are you building habits that last?

February 2024 | Ashleigh Kidd, RD, LDN

Hey Challengers! By now you know the deal….unrealistic goals & overly restrictive health “rules” are OUT and balanced + individualized habit building is IN. But how do we create habits that stick? I’ve got the cheat code for you!

Plan out your habits

Planning out when you’ll actually practice your habits is super helpful in supporting your goals. For example, say you have a goal to workout consistently. To turn that goal into a habit we need to get specific: 

  • When are you going to workout? 
    • What time is actually going to work best for your life? The morning? Lunch time? Evening?
      • Take it further: What time in the morning? First thing when you wake up? After breakfast?

Let’s say morning times are the best time, but you need a little help to stop snoozing and getting out from under your cozy blanket. Set yourself up for success.

You can try:

  • Charging your phone on the other side of the room/inside the bathroom so when your alarm goes off you have to physically get out of bed
  • Keep water by your bedside and when your alarm goes off, take a few sips to wake up 
  • Pick and set out your gym fit the night before. By doing this, you’re not dreading getting out of bed and rummaging through your laundry trying to find the perfect set, it’s out and ready for you.

Start small

A lot of times we can get caught up in the “All or Nothing” mindset and want to go 0-100 mph! But going from not working out to working out six days a week may result in burnout; You might kill it for a few weeks, but then hit a wall. Instead, assess what days work best for your schedule and start there- maybe that’s 3-4 workouts per week and outside leisurely walks at home with your family or pets.

Habit stacking

What is habit stacking?

Habit stacking is a clever way to introduce new habits into your routine by linking them to existing ones. Think of it like building a chain reaction of good choices. You identify a habit you already do regularly, like brushing your teeth, and then “stack” a new habit on top, like flossing. By using the existing cue (brushing), you’re more likely to remember and complete the new behavior (flossing) with minimal effort. This method leverages the brain’s natural tendency to form connections, making it easier to stick with new habits and create positive change in your life.

  • Example: Say you have a goal to move more throughout the day. On most days, you take a mental 15 min break from work/your computer around 3:15pm. When you start your break, this can be your cue to get outside and go for a 5-15 min walk. To further encourage the new habit, pair your walk with your fav audiobook or podcast.

You’ve got this team!  You can always refer back to the F45 Training App for nutrition, wellness, & recovery education, plus our recipe library for meal inspo and recipes.

Have you ordered your meals for the remainder of Challenge? Check your area here for suppliers here.



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