Welcome to the
F45 Challenge

The F45 Challenge is a holistic training and lifestyle program that empowers you to meet your fitness goals, no matter what they are. Through expert-curated performance and nutrition education, tools and guidance, the F45 Challenge delivers lasting transformation.

Personalize Your Results


Through this expert-curated program you’ll experience 45 days of industry leading fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle wellness personalized to your unique needs and goals. With our nutrient-dense meal plans, classic F45 team training, supportive community, and wellness guidance the F45 Challenge goes deeper, giving members sustainable tools to transform for a lifetime.


F45 Training supports a functional, personalized, and balanced approach to nutrition, as opposed to a quick fix “diet”. We do this by providing education on building realistic & sustainable nutrition habits, and other tools like macro-balanced & customized to you meal plans.

Menjelajahi Resep

Working out is better with a team. The F45 Challenge offers studio-based group training to improve cardiovascular health, build strength, promote new skills, and establish healthy movement patterns for longevity.


F45 is more than a gym—it’s your team. Your coach, community, and the F45 Training App ensure accountability with individualized plans, regular check-ins, and progress tracking ensuring you stay motivated and on track to reach your goals.


The F45 Challenge builds sustainable habits including positive mindset patterns, optimized recovery, and balanced lifestyle practices for well-being. Features like dedicated recovery workouts and positive habit formation ensure peak performance while prioritizing overall health.


2024 DATES

FEB 5 – MAR 20
MAY 20 – JUL 3
OCT 7 – NOV 20

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

A guided 45-day program focused on your personal fitness and performance progress through F45’s team training and goal-targeted nutrition. The 45 Day Challenge is designed to provide you with the core knowledge and application of a sustainable healthy lifestyle while improving your overall health and wellness. The F45 community is here to support you over this 45-day journey, so get excited about setting personalized goals, building connections, and discovering your capacity through this fitness & wellness transformation. A few things to look forward to:

  • Functional training from world-class trainers
  • Daily customized meal plans with auto-generated shopping lists
  • Macro-balanced recipes including mainstream, vegan and vegetarian options
  • Fitness tracking, progress monitoring and nutrition guidance

You may download the Training app at no cost, however, to be a part of the Challenge in-studio experience you will need to contact your local F45 studio to discuss pricing options. To find your local F45 Studio go to: https://f45training.com/find-a-studio

  • Monday May 20, 2024 – Wednesday July 3, 2024
  • Monday October 7, 2024 – Wednesday November 20, 2024

Accountability and consistency are everything when it comes to achieving long-term results. Participating in Challenge makes it easy to stay accountable as you’ll be able to track your training progress from one Challenge to the next while gaining a clear understanding of the role nutrition plays in achieving goal-targeted, sustainable results. Secondly, it’s easier to push through comfort zones when you have the support of friends and coaches. Joining Challenge means you’ll become a part of F45’s supportive, team-training community. Gaining the support of other Challenge participants not only makes it easier to stay accountable but it can help you gain the confidence to push yourself to a greater level of performance than you would on your own.

To register for the F45 Challenge, visit www.f45challenge.com select > Sign Up and complete your Challenge profile. You can also register via the F45 Training app (iOS & android), just visit the app store and download F45 CHALLENGE at no cost. Once you’ve completed your Challenge registration profile you’re all set to check in for the upcoming Challenge.

Jika Anda bukan anggota F45, Anda masih dapat mengunduh dan mengakses aplikasi seluler F45 Challenge yang berisi program makan, resep, artikel pendidikan, dan video untuk mendukung tujuan kesehatan dan kebugaran Anda. Untuk mendapatkan akses ke latihan F45 Sesuai Permintaan, Anda harus menjadi anggota aktif studio F45. Sangat disarankan untuk berpartisipasi di studio selama Challenge ketika ingin mencapai hasil jangka panjang. Hubungi studio F45 lokal Anda untuk mencari tahu tentang opsi keanggotaan mereka.

Jika Anda lupa kata sandi, silakan pilih “lupa kata sandi” di bawah kotak login, dan email akan dikirim ke kotak masuk Anda untuk membuat kata sandi baru.

Foto ‘sebelum’ Pre-Challenge harus diserahkan atau diunggah ke aplikasi sehari sebelum/hari Challenge hari 1. Foto ‘sesudah’ Post-Challenge harus diserahkan/diunggah pada hari terakhir Challenge. Panduan mengambil foto sebelum & sesudah:

  • foto harus berada di depan latar belakang polos (yang terbaik adalah dinding putih) dan memiliki pencahayaan yang terang dan tanpa bayangan
  • foto harus diambil setinggi mata & memperlihatkan anggota tubuh berdiri tegak
  • peserta harus melihat ke depan ke arah kamera dengan postur yang baik & lengan di samping dengan kaki dibuka selebar bahu.
  • hindari berpose, mengangkat lengan, menekuk atau mengempiskan perut di foto Anda
  • Selfie tidak diterima
  • foto tanpa pengeditan, retouching, photoshopping, atau filter apapun. Anggota harus memberikan persetujuan tertulis (melalui email saja sudah cukup) agar gambar dapat dibagikan kepada pers, platform media sosial, dan kolateral pemasaran global F45.

Inklusivitas Challenge: F45 HQ memahami bahwa kami memiliki beragam kelompok F45 di seluruh dunia yang berpartisipasi dalam Challenge ini. Kami ingin memastikan semua orang merasa dilibatkan, dan kami menyadari bahwa persyaratan yang ditetapkan untuk foto mungkin bertentangan dengan keyakinan pribadi atau agama. Oleh karena itu, kami mengizinkan pengecualian berikut terhadap persyaratan foto:

  • Jilbab, burqa, hijab atau sejenisnya
  • Berpakaian lengkap, termasuk pakaian panjang penuh (sebaiknya lebih ketat) untuk menunjukkan transformasi;
  • Menampilkan sedikit kulit, mengenakan legging ketat atau celana pendek dan atasan ketat

After downloading the Training app, you will be prompted to complete your profile by selecting a Challenge goal and answering a few questions about your activity level. You will automatically receive your goal-targeted daily calorie intake after completing these questions.
The F45 Training App automatically calculates your recommended daily calorie intake based on age, BMR, activity levels, and Challenge goal (lose weight, maintain weight, or build muscle). The app contains an algorithm that will adjust your daily meal plan to a specific calorie zone within ~100-200 calories of your recommended daily calorie target. This calorie zone algorithm uses a combination of 4 different meal sizes: small, medium, large and extra-large.

Setiap individu memiliki kebutuhan nutrisi yang berbeda-beda, khususnya kebutuhan energi secara keseluruhan berdasarkan jenis kelamin, usia, berat badan, jumlah sesi latihan per hari dan aktivitas di luar sesi latihan setiap hari. Diperkirakan kebutuhan energi dapat bervariasi secara individual karena tingkat aktivitas dan metrik komposisi tubuh dasar yang berbeda-beda.. Penilaian kebutuhan energi seseorang merupakan praktik terbaik untuk tujuan 1) memahami kebutuhan energi harian untuk kesehatan secara keseluruhan; dan 2) menentukan sasaran asupan kalori harian yang ditargetkan untuk sasaran kebugaran tertentu. Persamaan Mifflin St Jeor memperkirakan total kebutuhan energi dengan memperkirakan tingkat metabolisme istirahat seseorang dan mengalikan angka tersebut dengan tingkat aktivitasnya.

Absolutely! Between Challenges, you will have access to a sample meal plan and our robust recipe library with thousands of macro-balanced tasty recipes. All available in the EAT section of the F45 Training App.

If your body composition metrics have changed or if your weekly activity level has changed, we recommend entering these new metrics into the calorie guide during your next Challenge check-in period to continue obtaining an accurate reflection of goal-specific total daily calorie intake.

  • Step 1: Log into the Training app
  • Step 2: Select ‘Track’ along the bottom of the screen
  • Step 3: Select ‘calorie guide’ at the top of the screen
  • Step 4: Select ‘update your calorie guide’ to input your current weight and height > follow the steps to select a new goal > choose your meal preference and update your activity level (if needed). You can also manually input the BMR from your Inbody scan by selecting ‘Enter your own BMR’ and following the prompts.

Setiap resep di pustaka resep memiliki empat ukuran–kecil, sedang, besar, dan ekstra besar; rata-rata kalori per ukuran tercantum di bawah ini. Setelah Anda memilih sasaran Challenge dan menerima panduan kalori harian, resep harian dalam program makan Anda akan secara otomatis mencerminkan total konsumsi kalori harian Anda yang direkomendasikan. Jika Anda ingin mengubah ukuran resep makanan, Anda harus mengubah panduan kalori Anda terlebih dahulu.

  • Kecil = 350 kalori
  • Sedang = 450 kalori
  • Besar = 700 kalori
  • Ekstra Besar = 900 kalori

Fluid needs vary based on factors like age, sex, activity level, and overall health. For example, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers have higher water needs, while people with certain medical diagnoses like renal or heart disease have totally different fluid needs.

The AI (adequate intake) for water consumption has been determined for overall generally healthy people based on age and sex.

According to the Academy of Nutrition Dietetics, that looks like:

11.5 cups per day for women, and for men about 15.5 cups. These estimates, however, include fluids consumed from both foods and beverages, including water. You typically get about 20% of the water you need from the food you eat.

Mereka yang sedang hamil atau menyusui memiliki kebutuhan nutrisi yang berbeda-beda. Kami merekomendasikan untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter perawatan primer Anda tentang rekomendasi olahraga dan nutrisi sebelum mendaftar ke Challenge.

Hal ini merupakan kebijaksanaan masing-masing studio F45. Hubungilah studio F45 setempat Anda mengenai pemberian hadiah Challenge.

Kami merekomendasikan pendekatan ‘yang mengutamakan makanan’. Paket makanan khusus Challenge dilengkapi dengan nutrisi penting untuk mendukung kemajuan berkelanjutan dan adaptasi pelatihan jangka panjang. Jika Anda khawatir tentang kekurangan nutrisi, Anda harus berbicara dengan ahli kesehatan utama Anda untuk menilai kebutuhan diet individu Anda sebelum memulai protokol suplemen.

In the TRACK section of the Training app, select the STATS button at the top of the page. Click on either Update Weight & Waist or Update Body Measurements to modify your body composition metrics. You can also add a target goal measure for weight & waist.

In the TRACK section of the Training app, select the CALORIE GUIDE button at the top of the page. Scroll to the bottom of this page and click “Enter your own BMR.” Here you can enter your personal BMR value (Ie. from your InBody scan for example).

Perubahan fisiologis komposisi tubuh tidak terjadi secara instan, karena tubuh harus beradaptasi terlebih dahulu dengan beban latihan sebelum perubahan komposisi tubuh dapat terjadi. Selain itu, kecepatan terjadinya adaptasi fisiologis ini (kehilangan lemak, perkembangan otot ramping) bervariasi dari orang ke orang. Beberapa peserta mungkin kehilangan beberapa inci sebelum menurunkan berat badan (yang mungkin merupakan indikasi kombinasi kehilangan lemak dan penambahan otot). Oleh karena itu, penimbangan mingguan atau dua mingguan sebagai tambahan sebelum dan sesudah pengukuran seluruh tubuh akan memberikan penilaian paling akurat terhadap perubahan komposisi tubuh secara keseluruhan.

Pemindaian InBody adalah metode non-invasif dan mudah digunakan untuk menilai komposisi tubuh Anda sebelum dan sesudah Challenge . Perangkat InBody menggunakan bentuk analisis impedansi bioelektrik (bioelectrical impedance analysis/BIA) yang canggih dengan kombinasi pengukuran segmental langsung dan multifrekuensi untuk menguraikan komposisi tubuh. Berpartisipasi dalam pemindaian InBody sebelum dan sesudah Challenge memungkinkan Anda menetapkan garis dasar sebelum Challenge dan mengukur kemajuan Anda dari satu Challenge ke Challenge berikutnya. Untuk memaksimalkan keakuratan pemindaian InBody, F45HQ merekomendasikan hal berikut:

  • Selesaikan pemindaian Inbody Pre-Challenge dan Post-Challenge Anda di pagi hari sebelum latihan.
  • Hindari makan/minum sesaat sebelum pemindaian untuk menghindari perbedaan yang disebabkan oleh pergeseran cairan tubuh.
  • Kenakan pakaian serupa selama Pra dan Pascapemindaian dan lepaskan aksesori/perhiasan – pakaian yang ringan dan padat tidak disarankan.

If you have an intolerance or allergy to ingredients used in the meal plans, you can either adjust the recipe and swap out those ingredients, or swap in a different meal/snack of your choice from the Recipe Library. If the intolerance or allergy is to gluten or lactose, you can simply replace that ingredient for a gluten-free or lactose-free alternative.

Protein powder can be a great (and convenient) tool to assist with overall protein intake, but it isn’t always necessary! Overall, if you’re eating a varied and balanced diet, you are likely getting the protein and other nutrients you need from food alone.

If you are using a protein powder, make sure that it undergoes third party testing, like NSF certified products. Check out our official supplement partner for great protein powder options here.

It’s important to note how unique protein needs are and if you’re not sure how to determine your protein needs or want to make sure you’re consuming enough, reach out to your medical provider.

F45 recommends a balanced approach to nutrition including a variety of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. The nutritional principles that underpin the F45 Challenge are evidence based and distinguish the F45 Challenge from unsustainable fad diets. We aim to equip our members with the knowledge and confidence to make positive and sustainable health changes during challenge and beyond.

There is no one size fits all approach to nutrition. It’s important to remember that nutrition and energy needs are individualized related to medical history, health status, goals, and more. It’s always recommended to consult with your MD and/or RD when making nutrition and/or lifestyle changes.

F45 advocates a positive relationship with food and no food group should be unnecessarily excluded (food allergies and certain medical diagnoses must be taken into consideration by the individual)

A wide variety of foods including protein, fat, carbohydrates & fiber, should be eaten every day. Having each of these components at (most) meals ensures satisfaction, allows the body to lean into its natural hunger/fullness cues, build body trust, and supports health and performance goals.

Cutting out your favorite foods isn’t sustainable and often leads to putting that off-limits food on a pedestal (only to desire it even more!).

Enjoy plenty of lean proteins, grains, healthy fats, and fruits/veggies, and limit (notice we aren’t saying cut out) saturated fats, added sugar, excess salt, and alcohol.

Erythritol (a type of sugar alcohol) shall be avoided due to evidence-based research that indicates risk of negative impacts on health when consumed.

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