Conquering Fears at F45 Cecil Hills, Australia

By Susan Ciancio

At F45, we design challenging workouts that are both functional and fun. Over the course of your 45-minute group workout, you will push yourself to your limits, but you will have a blast. You can see evidence of this in our newest spotlight video of our studio in Cecil Hills, Australia, where members stress the excellence of the F45 workouts and where they encourage you to take the plunge, overcome your fears, and join the F45 community.

The most common reason we hear for someone being on the fence about obtaining an F45 membership is that they think it’s too difficult or because they feel too out of shape. But, as we see in Cecil Hills, F45 is for people of all shapes and sizes, for men and women, and for the old and young. So, as the Cecil Hills members say, set aside that fear and walk in the door. Once you do, you will find a supportive community, educated coaches, challenging workouts, and good friends. But most of all, you will find a new you.

The Cecil Hills F45, like all other F45 studios, has unique members with varied inspirational stories. In this video, we meet a young woman who was recently in a terrible car accident. She not only broke a few ribs and her collarbone, but she broke her back. She credits the F45 community with helping her recover and get back on track at the gym. They sent her get-well videos and messages that gave her strength she didn’t know she had. Their support and friendship motivated her to focus on getting healthier. She said she could never have returned to the gym without her “second family.” 

Once she was out of the hospital, she had to learn new ways to move her body in order to do even simple tasks—like going to the bathroom and picking things up off the floor—because she was unable to bend her back. She said that when she returned to the gym, the functional movements that the coach taught her literally saved her life. 

The video also introduces us to a 67-year-old member who arrives at the gym at 5am every day for her class. She proudly expresses how much fun she has not only working out but spending time with her friends. 

It is normal to feel intimidated when faced with something new and daunting. And members who said they initially feared walking through the door or were afraid they wouldn’t fit in or couldn’t do the workouts said that these fears quickly fell away once they met the coaches and began the workouts. They encourage anyone who may be waffling to just take that first step and try it.

F45 workouts are perfect for all fitness journeys because the coaches tailor the exercises to meet your needs. They work with you, no matter your ability. And they never make you feel inferior or incapable. Quite the opposite, actually. They are there to support and inspire you, making every class both fun and challenging. 

We urge you to set aside any fears you may have when it comes to putting yourself out there and just walk in the door of an F45 gym. There is something there for everyone, and when you conquer your fears, you will see how much you can accomplish. Check us out! We likely have a gym in your area. Visit our Find a Studio page to locate an F45 gym near you. And just say yes to transforming your body and your life.


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