F45 Alkimos: A Home Away from Home

By Susan Ciancio

“We’ve got something special here,” says Toni, a trainer at the F45 gym in Alkimos, Australia. And she doesn’t speak those words casually; she truly means them because she loves all that the F45 gym offers.

In the latest Functional Unleashed video, we meet several members of F45 Alkimos, located in a coastal suburb of Perth, Australia. Members here strive to improve their health and fitness, strengthen their bodies and minds, and create a sense of community—something made possible by the incredible staff.

Though members derive strength from the coaches, the coaches are also quick to say that the members are like family to them. 

Trainer Ana discusses how much she loves the F45 community, saying the gym is her “home away from home.” She says that, when in the gym, members and trainers alike “all come together and . . . bring each other up.” This encouragement goes a long way to building the mental health of each member, which is a vital component of overall physical health.

This is the feeling that F45 members around the world experience when they begin a membership. Encouraging coaches, workouts that push but that are suited to individual needs, and an amazing family community are just some of the great things about an F45 membership. That’s why members and trainers want the world to know about the physical and emotional benefits of F45. They want people to know that everyone can benefit from these workouts and that they are meant for people of all abilities. 

While the F45 workouts may seem daunting or difficult, trainer Toni says that no one should feel intimidated and that all are welcome. She states, “You don’t have to keep up with anyone else. You will be surrounded by so much support and so much love.” Toni wants people to know that the trainers will determine where each member is on their fitness journey and will start there, pushing a bit but understanding that there may be limitations. She says that trainers will always greet all members with “open arms” so that they feel right at home. 

The F45 community is truly a unique experience—a “community that is there for you inside and out,” says Toni, who couldn’t say enough good things about the community. Members feel this way too. 

Dre knows well that sense of community. A few years ago, he had a serious accident and almost died. Because his wife had been an F45 member, she encouraged him to join to help regain his health. He knew that the functional exercises would allow him to rebuild his strength, but what he didn’t expect was the love of the F45 community and the encouragement that he would receive on a daily basis. This has not only helped him fully recover but has given him a sense of belonging. And his recovery has served as an inspiration to everyone at the gym. 

F45 Alkimos is a family. Its community is the epitome of what F45 gyms around the world strive to be. And it’s fitting that Alkimos comes from a Greek word meaning brave or strong, as F45 Alkimos is home to some incredibly brave and strong members.

If this F45 community is something you would like to be part of, check out our site to find a gym near you. We know that you will find encouragement, acceptance, and a home away from home.


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