

F45 TRAINING CREEKSIDE提供全新设计的功能性团体健身课程。我们不仅仅是一家健身房。我们为每个人的身体提供全面的健康解决方案。 我们设计了 5000 多个充满活力、能量满满的动作以及 80 多种训练,助您释放内在运动潜能。这里有您一直想要的健身方式,也有您必需却不自知的团队。 F45 Training 新人?

团队训练。 改变人生。


马克·沃尔伯格有一句至理名言:一切无关镜子、氛围灯或粉丝。 最重要的是自己如何度过人生时光,是结束之时你的感受,以及沿途听到的一声声鼓励。 准备好了吗?

团队训练。 改变人生。


F45 Training 以功能性团体健身为理念,由经认证的私人教练提供有效指导。 我们的训练会针对每个人的身体量身设计。F45 Training 被美国《男士杂志》和澳洲《Canstar Blue》评选为第一健身房。欢迎加入我们,感受卓尔不凡的健身体验。



即刻体验 F45 CREEKSIDE 的强大力量,感受与众不同的健身体验。


F45 Training 成功案例

经过 3 年 500 多节 F45 课程,我的身心健康得到了极大的改善。
我的目标是增强体力和耐力,以对抗多发性硬化症。我今年 61 岁,现在的身体状态是我今生最佳。
自 2021 年第一次健身以来,我已经减掉了 187 磅(170 斤)。F45 已成为我生活中最快乐的地方。
通过 F45,我减掉了 13 磅(12 斤)脂肪,增加了 4 磅(4 斤)肌肉,体脂率降低了 6%。
三年前,我得了癌症。F45 这个大家庭和一个个健身好友帮我渡过了难关。我的团队始终支持着我。


Amazing, helps me get in my morning workouts and offers great deals to match your schedules and more! The coaches are unique and inspiring. Every morning F45 leaves me nice and sweaty! The workouts do not disappoint, for sure! And if you need a quick break, there is always another option for the workout. 10/10 would recommend
John B.
The Woodlands, TX
The best gym, staff, FAMILY ever! If you are looking for a fun and challenging way to get fit or stay fit, this is your place. Come sweat!
Caroline B.
The Woodlands, TX
It’s the best. You have 35-40 mins of exercise daily. It goes super fast as every day the routine changes. Plus, you really get stronger!
Paola C.
The Woodlands, TX
I have been a member at F45 Creekside since January of 2020. Joined right before Covid started and weathered that storm with the studio. I’m excited and accountable each morning to see my F45 family at workouts. I like the variety and the challenges constantly giving me something to work towards. Anyone can do this workout – no matter your fitness level but it’s nice to do something nice for your mind and body AND do it with a great group of people.
Robin L.
The Woodlands, TX
Changed my life, it takes all the scary stuff about working out into a wonderful and fulfilling experience.
Alejandro M.
The Woodlands, TX
Great atmosphere if you’re looking to get a workout in the creekside area!
Local Guide
The Woodlands, TX
The owners and trainers at this location truly love their members
Jen B.
The Woodlands, TX
I’ve tried every gym ($-$$$) and boutique gym in the area and F45 is by far my favorite! It’s super fast paced, well-organized and the trainers are wonderful! It kicks my butt every time. Highly recommend!
Courtney L.
The Woodlands, TX
Love F45 Creekside! I have been a member for over 2 years now and the workout never gets old. The classes are always changing and so are the exercises. The trainers are great and my girl Hailey is awesome!
Leah C.
The Woodlands, TX
I started F45 a few months ago and look forward to their workouts every day. The workouts are challenging but are also fun, so the 45 minutes just fly by! The staff is cheerful, helpful, and motivating. The gym is very clean, and their music is always great. It’s easy to stay consistent with workouts in such an excellent spot!
Lianny B.
The Woodlands, TX
Just moved here from New Orleans with newborn twins and knew I needed to get back into shape. F45 Creekside was so welcoming, motivating, and made me feel so comfortable that I knew I wanted to be a part of their family! The energy is great and it makes me look forward to working out everyday! I haven’t felt like this about a gym in years! Love ya’ll!! 🙂
Brigette G.
The Woodlands, TX
I have been searching for a place like this since moving to the Woodlands. It’s so much fun, but so challenging. The trainers are dedicated to helping you reach your goals. The whole atmosphere is acceptance and support for each other, and that’s what keeps me motivated to come back every day! Even my 69 year old mama signed up. If she can do it, anyone can!
Kristin T.
The Woodlands, TX
团队训练。 改变人生。 团队训练。 改变人生。 团队训练。 改变人生。 团队训练。 改变人生。 团队训练。 改变人生。 团队训练。 改变人生。


F45 的健身教练与众不同,提供一对一私教般的专业指导和无条件支持。在下一次参加 F45 课程之前,了解您附近的 F45 教练。

Erin Gelhar
Head Trainer, Studio Manager
Erin Schamun
Lexi McDonald
Maria-Ilena Bowler
