

F45 TRAINING RANCHO PENASQUITOS提供全新设计的功能性团体健身课程。我们不仅仅是一家健身房。我们为每个人的身体提供全面的健康解决方案。 我们设计了 5000 多个充满活力、能量满满的动作以及 80 多种训练,助您释放内在运动潜能。这里有您一直想要的健身方式,也有您必需却不自知的团队。 F45 Training 新人?

团队训练。 改变人生。


马克·沃尔伯格有一句至理名言:一切无关镜子、氛围灯或粉丝。 最重要的是自己如何度过人生时光,是结束之时你的感受,以及沿途听到的一声声鼓励。 准备好了吗?

团队训练。 改变人生。


F45 Training 以功能性团体健身为理念,由经认证的私人教练提供有效指导。 我们的训练会针对每个人的身体量身设计。F45 Training 被美国《男士杂志》和澳洲《Canstar Blue》评选为第一健身房。欢迎加入我们,感受卓尔不凡的健身体验。

Your Fitness Journey Starts Here – Welcome Week is On! 7th – 13th April. Click here to Sign Up


即刻体验 F45 RANCHO PENASQUITOS 的强大力量,感受与众不同的健身体验。


F45 Training 成功案例

Self Confidence
“I have not only built confidence and grown stronger in the gym, but I feel like a better version of myself outside the gym!”
Life Changing
“I have been coming 5 days a week for the last 5 years. Now, the new me is not the same from 5 years ago, but a better version of myself.”
Weight Loss
F45 has helped me get in the best shape of my life! I’m not longer gummy thicc, I’m now gummy fit 💪🏻
“Well simply put, F45PQ saved my life. Helped me lose 100lbs then maintain the weight loss, and build back muscle to keep up with the high adventure activities of Scouts BSA and being able to lead family and my company through the pandemic.”
“The coaches are always available for questions and hold me accountable to finish my pod and complete my themed workout of the day”.


I have been training at F45 for a couple of years now and I still love it every day. The owners and trainers are amazing and really invest in your fitness and health journey. The workouts are fantastic and are always changing so you never get bored. But the best part are the other members. No one could ask for a more amazing group of people to push each other and have fun with in and outside the gym. Come give F45 PQ a try… I promise you will not regret it 😁
Cara Baker
F45 Training, Rancho Penasquitos
I absolutely love my Rancho Peñasquitos F45 gym!!! The staff is extremely professional, knowledgeable, and supportive towards my goals. The owners are incredibly friendly and can adapt to any challenges that are thrown at the fitness industry. The atmosphere of the gym is like a FAMILY ❤️
Irina Stysis
F45 Training, Rancho Penasquitos
The motto, “Team training. Life changing” is 100% true at F45 PQ. The trainers are knowledgeable, fun, and motivating. The community is supportive and awesome. I have learned so much about health and fitness, have gotten healthier (mentally and physically), and have met and become friends with many wonderful people. For me, being a member of F45 PQ really has been life changing and I recommend F45 PQ to everyone!
Ana Sedy
F45 Training, Rancho Penasquitos
I love the PQ F45 studio with all its great trainers and positive attitudes. Thanks to the owners for keeping the experience so fun and building a community feel. I look forward to my classes every day!
Jules Selkirk
F45 Training, Rancho Penasquitos
F45 PQ is great! I’m really enjoying my classes. The trainers are very friendly and highly motivated to help you achieve your fitness goals.
Omar Elhams
F45 Training, Rancho Penasquitos
My cardio health is better than ever and I’m stronger than I ever thought I could be. The classes are fun and effective and the coaches are great at correcting form and keeping you motivated. I highly recommend this business to anyone who might be out there looking for a new gym to call home.
Melissa Bissonette
F45 Training, Rancho Penasquitos
团队训练。 改变人生。 团队训练。 改变人生。 团队训练。 改变人生。 团队训练。 改变人生。 团队训练。 改变人生。 团队训练。 改变人生。


F45 的健身教练与众不同,提供一对一私教般的专业指导和无条件支持。在下一次参加 F45 课程之前,了解您附近的 F45 教练。

Aaryan Booter
Anita Watson
Coach Gummy Thicc
Darlene Franco
Dave Ridgeway
Head Trainer
Jason Clements
Michele Day
Peter Kim
Sarah Shoemaker


Disclaimer: This privacy policy is that of F45 F45 TRAINING RANCHO PENASQUITOS only. Each F45 studio is independently owned and operated, and thus maintains their own, individual privacy policy.

“Opt-in information is excluded from the sharing policy described on this page. We don’t share, sell or trade your opt-in information to third parties for any purpose. You may opt-out of your SMS communications by replying ‘stop’ or ‘unsubscribe’. Reply ‘help’ for more assistance with your SMS subscriptions.”