F45 TRAINING SAN CLEMENTE提供全新设计的功能性团体健身课程。我们不仅仅是一家健身房。我们为每个人的身体提供全面的健康解决方案。 我们设计了 5000 多个充满活力、能量满满的动作以及 80 多种训练,助您释放内在运动潜能。这里有您一直想要的健身方式,也有您必需却不自知的团队。 F45 Training 新人?

团队训练。 改变人生。
马克·沃尔伯格有一句至理名言:一切无关镜子、氛围灯或粉丝。 最重要的是自己如何度过人生时光,是结束之时你的感受,以及沿途听到的一声声鼓励。 准备好了吗?

团队训练。 改变人生。
F45 Training 以功能性团体健身为理念,由经认证的私人教练提供有效指导。 我们的训练会针对每个人的身体量身设计。F45 Training 被美国《男士杂志》和澳洲《Canstar Blue》评选为第一健身房。欢迎加入我们,感受卓尔不凡的健身体验。

101 W Avenida Vista Hermosa #474, San Clemente, CA 92672
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即刻体验 F45 SAN CLEMENTE 的强大力量,感受与众不同的健身体验。
即刻体验 F45 SAN CLEMENTE 的强大力量,感受与众不同的健身体验。
F45 Training 成功案例

经过 3 年 500 多节 F45 课程,我的身心健康得到了极大的改善。

我的目标是增强体力和耐力,以对抗多发性硬化症。我今年 61 岁,现在的身体状态是我今生最佳。

自 2021 年第一次健身以来,我已经减掉了 187 磅(170 斤)。F45 已成为我生活中最快乐的地方。

通过 F45,我减掉了 13 磅(12 斤)脂肪,增加了 4 磅(4 斤)肌肉,体脂率降低了 6%。

三年前,我得了癌症。F45 这个大家庭和一个个健身好友帮我渡过了难关。我的团队始终支持着我。
“I started F45 Christmas week last year when my brothers and I challenged each other to a three month workout plan. I was immediately hooked and fell in love with starting my day here. The workouts are full body, combine strength and cardio, and are adaptable to any fitness level. I quickly noticed the results. The coaches and the members make it fun and bring the energy every day. Looking forward to continuing the journey.
Blake Kapisak- Member of the Month August 2023
San Clemente
“Big shout out to the F45 fam here in San Clemente. I joined back in February and I was struggling with PPD and had to get out of my house. Ever since I have been in here I have met an amazing group of people. The comradery here is fantastic. I feel stronger, I feel more empowered and I just feel better overall. I really want to thank F45 for helping me be in the best shape of my life and I love you guys so much”
Laura O’Brien
San Clemente
Gregg and Laura Horvath said…you should try F45! That was 3 years ago and I have never looked back. I love it! I have met people who I admire, have made work-out buddies and feel the best I have in a long time! The trainers are awesome and are always so supportive and encouraging. As I embrace my 60’s F45 gives me what I need to be strong and healthy. Best work out around!!
Laura Bankson
San Clemente
We started F45 back in October 2020 with a small group of friends. F45 became a family and all our 6am crew just keeps me super motivated.
I’ve lost 33 lbs as well since I started. All you coaches are awesome and you put up with my station modifications. You guys make my mornings and it’s the very best way to start my day. Thank you for making me stronger
Jess Conrad
San Clemente
“I love the positive energy that the F45 coaches and members bring to each workout! F45 is more than a gym, it’s a community of like-minded people that encourage and lift each other up to be our happiest and healthiest selves. I also love the events outside of the gym that the coaches organize to bring us together! It is so fun seeing coaches and members inside and outside of the gym. Thank you to my F45 family and thank you to the coaches that bring the positive and uplifting energy to each and every class!”
Hailley Pollak
San Clemente
I love F45. It has worked out great for me. I know that everyday when I step into the gym i can expect a great workout that will push my strength and endurance. Everything is set up and ready to go. I can get in and out and onto my day knowing that my fitness is progressing and not taking a back seat to my busy life.
I have to also mention the great coaches and great members that really make this the spot for me.
Thanks San Clemente F45.
Brent Waterworth
San Clemente
I love starting my day with my F45 family because my workouts set me in the right mindset. F45 is a collective group of positive, inspiring and uplifting coaches and members who are focused on healthy, happy and strong body and mind. They are not only supportive of my goals but they are also genuinely caring and knowledgeable about workout/health challenges. Thank you to all my F45 family. I am so so proud to be a part of this community. This is my happy place.
Ruby Page
San Clemente
I love starting my day with a workout at F45! The workouts r always different and challenging and the coaches know just when to push me. There’s something about the music blaring and everyone working hard that inspires me to get there as much as possible. The feeling of accomplishment and sense of community is the best!
Michelle Atkins
San Clemente
I just LOVE showing up to class with all the weights and stations and work out game plan laid out for me! The group aspect helps me PUSH harder than I ever did at the gym or at home because I wanna beat that person next to me! The big bonus is the people……I LOVE seeing my 6 am peeps every day and catching up before the class starts or stretching after…..F45 has changed my life for the better in so many ways!
Tommy McNeilis
San Clemente
I love that F45 allows me to get in a great workout in just 45 minutes without having to think about programming or equipment which is great for working parents! Every workout is different yet fun and challenging and it’s great to keep feeling the strength and endurance results. The best thing about our F45 are the coaches and other members who are all amazing to work with and keep me inspired every workout!
Stacy Rumerman
San Clemente
F45 的健身教练与众不同,提供一对一私教般的专业指导和无条件支持。在下一次参加 F45 课程之前,了解您附近的 F45 教练。
F45 的健身教练与众不同,提供一对一私教般的专业指导和无条件支持。在下一次参加 F45 课程之前,了解您附近的 F45 教练。

Chelsea Berenger
Head Trainer

Grace Giranda

Jill Troiano

Julia Rodriguez

Katie Turner

Kevin Goltz

Kylie Depreta

Paige Kerr
Trainer, Studio Manager