Fact or Fiction: Nutrition During Challenge & Beyond

May 30th 2024 | Ashleigh Kidd, RD, LDN

Hey team! Back here again to separate fact from fiction when it comes to nutrition. This week we’re talking about nutrition during Challenge & beyond. Want your burning questions answered? Head to our IG (@f45Training) every Thursday during Challenge to play Fact or Fiction and submit your nutrition questions to be answered by your Challenge Dietitian!

Alright, let’s play! 

Fact or Fiction: „Too many „healthy” fats can hinder weight loss and muscle growth”


Healthy fats like salmon, avocado, nuts/seeds, etc. have a wide range of benefits for heart health, brain health, inflammation, and gut health. It’s also a key component of a balanced plate, helping to keep us full and satisfied until our next meal.; current recommended fat intake ranges from 20-35% of total calories. That being said, we don’t want to only focus on our fat intake, but make sure we’re also eating enough protein, carbohydrates, and fiber (learn more here). For weight loss, along with a varied & balanced diet, a calorie deficit is needed, and the best way to maintain & build muscle mass is to prioritize protein intake and incorporate consistent resistance training.

Fact or Fiction: „I need to cut out my favorite coffee or drink it black during Challenge”


Sometimes the word „Challenge” can be associated with „restriction”, but the F45 Challenge is all about your holistic health journey, here to support you as you build sustainable habits for life. What does this mean when it comes to coffee? We’d never ask you to give up your favorite cup of Joe. Here are some tips when considering your coffee:

  • While it’s fine to order the fun, higher sugar, drink occasionally, aim for a coffee with lower added sugar most of the time. You can do this by asking for no whip cream and fewer „pumps” of flavor/sugar.
  • Remember that coffee isn’t a meal and shouldn’t replace breakfast.
  • If you’re drinking coffee later in the day between meals, choose dairy based milk if possible for little bit of protein
  • Try making your favorite coffee at home. You can enjoy your favorite flavors and creamers, adding them mindfully.


Fact or Fiction: Protein is the most important macronutrient”

There’s more to it!

Protein is just one of the three macronutrients, accompanied by carbohydrates and fats. We need all three macronutrients to provide our body with energy (calories). They also serve as the foundation for making and managing things in our body (i.e. muscles, blood cells, hormones).

While protein is very important to our bodies when it comes to building new cells and speeding up chemical reactions (i.e. digesting food), we don’t want to only focus on protein and forget about carbohydrates and fat.

Protein recommendations aren’t one size fits all, and are highly dependent on factors like weight, height, sex, activity, lifestyle, medical history, and more.

The RDA (recommended dietary allowance) for an average sedentary adult is 0.8 g/kg of body weight. For those who exercise, this range increases to 1.1–2.0g/kg, depending on type, intensity, and frequency of exercise. Those who are strength training or participating in endurance training, would be on the higher side of that range.

For most people, if you’re eating enough food, not skipping meals, and balancing your plate, it shouldn’t be difficult to meet your protein needs. For a more personalized plan, talk with a Registered Dietitian.

For additional nutrition and wellness support, you can always check out F45 Articles for tips on how to improve your nutrition and relationship with food. 


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